ES opened and chopped around for some time. We started chopping higher than some news about Japan and the nuclear issues over there came out and ES sold down 20points retesting yesterdays lows. We then put in a few bounces into resistance and proceeded to chop around a little longer. After testing resistance at lunch time we sold off hard again find new levels of support at around 1241s which was quickly rejected and snapped back up 20 points back into the range of yesterday. My levels worked well today I'm happy with them. I just missed some good opps due to work and lunch time. But that's ok i will catch them next time. Going to start keeping a list of "stuff to work on" and review every day and night to ingrain it into my subconscious mind. 2 trades today 1 for +2 points and 1 for -2 points so BE day for me.
Stuff i need to work on:
1. Stop trying to guess what is going to happen. I find that i say something like "the picture was bullish yesterday so wecould trade back up into so and so area" Instead of reading my charts and taking a trade based on that.