Sunday, March 13, 2011

Trading and meditaion

I have been realizing something over the last 6 months or so ever since i went on vacation in the end of December. Before i went away i was a mess. My trading was all over the place and i was losing by the end of the every month. I didnt understand why. So i go on vacation for 3 weeks like i said before in a previous post, and when i got back i was fully rested and refreshed. I was trading like i never had traded before. I was just making good trade after good trade and my PNL was showing the results. For the first time i was up by the end of the month and i was very happy. Then something happened. I started taking a lot of losing trades. Why? I have been searching the past few weeks to figure out the reason i did so good then so bad. Like i said before work was getting between me and trading and the daily stress of life was piling back up again. It took about 4 weeks to feel the way i felt before i went of vacation. The only logical reason i could come up with is that my mind was beginning to get filled with so much chatter and unnecessary junk that it started to cloud my judgment. Even though i thought i was clear and ready to handle the markets my results were telling me that i wasn't. So what i decided to do is learn how to meditate. It sounds easy right? But have you ever tried to sit and not think about anything for an extended period of time? Shit i couldn't do it for more than a few seconds. Your thoughts wonder off and you have to bring your self back over and over again. So i decided to learn a method of meditating that makes a lot of sense to me. There is  technique that is extremely useful in meditating and has been around for thousands of years. Its called Transcendental meditation Or TM. I wont go into what it is about here, you can search it on Google and find alot of info on it. Either way the idea is to be in a clear state of mind to allow myself to think unhindered and clearly. I start next week on Saturday and im really excited about it. Part of my trading plan includes a health portion. And with in the health portion is a part about mental and spiritual health. So i wanted to start to meditate any way as per my trading plan. TM will fulfill the mental part of my health plan. I will continue to journal my thought and results of taking a TM program along the way. Wish me luck.