Monday, January 31, 2011

No post today, feeling sick.

Started to not feel to well over the weekend so decided not to trade today cause my mind isn't clear. So no post today hopefully will feel better tomorrow and back to my routine. Being sick today makes me realize a few things when it comes to trading. You have to be Physically, mentally, and spiritually fit to trade. Waking up every day and sitting behind a computer all day long will tear your body and mind to shreds. So i have decided that im gonna put my self on a health plan. Nothing drastic, something easy with small obtainable goals to help me reach my bigger goal. Just some lite cardio a few times a week a long with meditating at least 30 minutes a day to help shut the chatter off in my mind (and i have a lot lol). Im generally in good shape not over weight and i eat good and i try to stay active as much as possible. I haven't been sleeping to well over the last week because of getting up so early to be at work to have all my analysis done before 8:00AM.  So i will make sure i get plenty of sleep this week. I feel these are necessary things that a trader must do in order to really have control over you mind. And to help with the learning process.